Customer Relationship

Corporate Gifting & Customer Relationships

Boost your customer retention by strengthening your relationships

Standing out in a busy marketplace means creating amazing customer relationships – corporate gifts really show your appreciation for their business

With real ongoing trust, any problem can be aired and resolved provided that the level of customer satisfaction stays high.


The biggest challenge most businesses face is getting new quality clients.

Gaining new clients costs anywhere between 5 and 25 times more than servicing an existing client.



It’s vital to look after your existing clients as according to Bain and Co,
a 5% increase in customer retention can increase a company’s profitability by 75%.



Personalised cards and gourmet gifts help your client feel you know them, they stay loyal and won’t even bother to shop around when there is a need for small price or service adjustments. This can minimise your marketing budget by as much as 80%. Once you have a good quality client, it’s essential to keep them happy and look after them. A carefully chosen luxury gourmet gift hamper always puts a smile on the recipients face and created memorable tasting experiences as they enjoy your gift.

The key to this depth of relationship is that you show your client that you care about who they are and what they value.

As your client base grows, treating customers as individuals becomes more time consuming. What’s more, coming up with a unique, quality gift for a budget takes creativity and can be challenging. Hunter Valley Hampers Corporate Gifting team are specialists in selecting the right gourmet goodies for every corporate gifting need.

Is it worth the effort? Absolutely.

Request a quote and call from a gifting specialist

Or call our gifting team direct on 02 9620 4499

The Power of Customer Relationship Management

Every time you put a smile on your customer’s face, that’s a stand out moment for your business. Discounts and bonuses can be easily given and easily forgotten. Getting a gift is an occasion, it’s a moment of surprise and even for adults a little bit exciting.


When someone receives a corporate gift, usually this is not something that happens every day. That person suddenly feels special, treasured and nurtured, because of your individual thank you to them.


Even better, with some planning and a great range of possible solutions through us, you can give your client something that they will love as well as appreciate. That’s why we offer an in-person service to plan out your business relationship service using perfect hampers and gifts.


We understand your needs, as we are an experienced trusted partner for business relationship management.

The Essentials of giving gifts to your clients

Learn six essential steps to planning your gifting to clients.

Preparing a gifting plan has lots of different aspects to it and to be successful and set your business up for no hassle gift giving requires some solid planning, check out our guide to planning your customer gifting

Read the six essentials of Gift Planning